While there are numerous tools for this task, we have made a decision based on the Windows platform. In general, Linux OS can be distributed without causing damage to a system’s hard drive, memory, or any other operating system because it can be distributed directly from a USB/CD/VD drive. Before we begin, it is important to note that you will need a USB drive with at least 2GB of storage in order to create a bootable USB of Arch Linux. Once the ISO has been downloaded, we will use Etcher to write the ISO to our USB drive. The Arch Linux ISO can be downloaded from the Arch Linux website. First, we will need to download the Arch Linux ISO.
Creating a bootable USB of Arch Linux is a two-step process.
Etcher is a free and open-source disk imaging utility that is simple to use and can be downloaded on the Etcher website. We will be using the Etcher tool to create our bootable USB. In this guide, we will discuss how to create a bootable USB of Arch Linux. Assuming you would like an article discussing how to create a bootable USB of Arch Linux: Arch Linux is a versatile and simple distribution thatensis beloved by many Linux users.